Buyer beware: there are some cheap, poorly-made rope hammocks out there... this isn't one of them. Stretching out in this comfortable, spacious cotton rope hammock may evoke dreams of restful days at the beach, swaying in the warm breezes and enjoying hours of relaxation with the waves acting as your personal soundtrack. Or, perhaps you envision a quiet weekend at the lake, curled up all snug under the oak tree while a pot of aromatic coffee is brewing beside a campfire. You can make your thoughts and dreams become a reality – or recreate your own memorable experiences - when you order the Cotton Rope Hammock - Double. It offers the comfort and durability you crave for an affordable, economical price.
This classic beauty is made from 100% twisted cotton rope that is wound tightly in order to enhance the strength, increase the durability, and make it comfortable to use. The natural cotton fibers will continue to breathe and provide dry, comfortable relaxation – wherever you use it. The wooden spreader bar at each end of the hammock creates easy access when it's time to hop aboard for a nap, and makes it just as simple to exit when you need to get up and flip the hamburgers on the grill. Two adults can share the space; it has a maximum weight capacity of 450 pounds and the bed dimension is 7 feet long and 5 feet wide. It's easy to hang and can be up and ready to use in minutes. Warning: You may not want to get up!
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